Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Android Error generating final archive: Debug Certificate expired on ..

If you are trying to build your android application using Eclipse ad you are getting an error like "Error generating final archive: Debug Certificate expired on dd/MM/yyyy" is because your signing debug certificate was created more than one year ago: the certificate auto-expires after 365 days.

The solution is to delete your debug.keystore in your android directory.

The exact location is  ~/.android/debug.keystore on Linux and Mac OS X and  %USERPROFILE%/.android on Windows.

After deleted it, the Eclipse plugin will generate a new certificate when you next try to build a debug package.

You may need first to clean the project.

More information about application signing here.

Happy coding =)


  1. thanks there is a great help

    - malaysian guy

  2. great tip. I wish the Eclipse was more descriptive with error messages.

  3. Thanks a lot. Lol.

  4. Very helpful, thanks for posting about this error.
