I'm working on ASP.NET webform application, and a piece of this application must automatically generate some documents, nearly all PDF.
The documents are all heterogeneous, and in an object oriented way, I decided to implement a interface on each class able to generate a document.
The interface IDocumentoSemplice is pretty trivial and have only few properties.
What I like to do, is gather all possible documents for a user, and show them in a GridView.
The documents are loaded in a service class and then bounded to the GridView for the "DataBind".
The columns in the page are nearly all BoundField.
<asp:boundfield datafield="DataCompilazione" dataformatstring="{0:d}" headertext="Data Compilazione"> </asp:boundfield>
All seems to be great, but when I start the page, this exception pop up: "Object does not match target type."
I check and recheck the code, but cannot find anything wrong.
Finally I googled a bit for this problem, and what I found is pretty funny: the "DataBind" (at least the GridView one) need all the data-bounded objects are to be of the same type.
The solution was pretty simple: convert all the bounded field in template one:
<asp:TemplateField> <ItemTemplate> <%# Server.HtmlEncode(((IDocumentoSemplice)Container.DataItem) .DataCompilazione.ToShortDateString())%> </ItemTemplate> </asp:TemplateField>
The problem seem to be caused by some internal classes used for the reflection, needed to get the properties value at runtime.
Happy "DataBind" ...
Thanks a lot work like a charm
You are welcome =)